Thursday, January 01, 2009

Not with a bang but a whimper

Welcome, 2009! My new year was less party-party and more icepack/blackout mask/drugs/CSI marathon. Ah, yes. The migraine which began Sunday evening abated briefly yesterday with the start of the snowfall but then came back last evening as a special New Year's treat. It was never bad enough to make me 100% non-functioning, though I was an hour late to work on Tuesday as I needed the extra time for the drugs to take effect. So, last evening I stayed in with my pals Grissom, Catherine, Warrick, Sarah, and Nick and listened to them solve cases I'd already watched before but had mostly forgotten. Seriously, can you believe I couldn't find any Law & Orders that I hadn't seen recently? A New Year's tragedy.

So, here's to a better 2009, with the (fingers crossed) release of a generic form of Imitrex, and even more hopeful: fewer reasons to take it!

Good health to all!

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