Sunday, July 06, 2008

More frustrations

Well, last week was not stellar. Both Monday and Wednesday I didn't make it in to work until after 12:30 due to my head. Both mornings I woke up early with a foggy head and sense of impending doom. Arghh.

When I wake up with fuzziness like this I sometimes give myself a pep talk and make myself keep moving, thinking maybe I am just tired or being lazy. But then the tell-tale vise grip tightens and I have to lie down and hope it goes away quickly. I even called my mother both times because 1.) she too is a migraine sufferer so she understands and 2.) she's the woman who used to tell me in grade school "well, if you think you are sick enough to stay home then you should," which is the most brilliant bit of Catholic guilt-inducing parenting I've ever encountered. So I knew she would cut through my crap if there was any but it quickly became apparent that I was indeed pre-migraine as I struggled to form simple sentences and was forced to end the phone call when the effort of talking proved to be too much for me.

The happy part of this story is that my bosses totally understand my situation and know that if I am not at work it is for a good reason, and I know I am incredibly lucky. In fact, in a former job my boss once "casually" mentioned in front of me that Boss wasn't hiring someone because that person mentioned in her interview that she gets migraines. This boss said "I won't make that mistake again." Yeah, really.

1 comment:

Cookin' Mama said...

Are you serious?! They actually said "won't make that mistake again?!" Good Lord.