Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Well, in my ongoing quest to beat down my migraines, and after spending the entire weekend in pain with only 3 good hours, I scheduled my first appointment with an acupuncturist this morning. I was so excited last night, like it was the eve of the first day of school. I even set out my clothes. Really.

Upon arriving and meeting the lovely woman who would be inserting needles into my body, I was even more excited. Not only was she totally cool and wearing fantastic pink shoes (trusts me on this one: they were drool-worthy fuschia ballet flats), but she was extremely knowledgeable about migraine suffering and treated me like I didn't have a made-up ailment. Even more awesome! So, imagine my dismay when, nine needles into things, I had to ask "Is it normal to get light-headed?" and then proceeded to quickly turn white then green and began sweating profusely. Yeah. So, the lovely wonderful acupuncturist had to remove all the needles and bring me water and make sure I didn't pass out. All the while I was thinking "What just happened?" and cursing my body for acting up.

She told me that two other people have had similar reactions, which made me feel somewhat better, though still sheepish as I mopped my sweaty face and body and silently willed my sweat to not seep onto the paper covering the table on which I was lying. Mostly, though, I felt frustrated, because I realized how many hopes I'd pinned to this treatment. But I'm not giving up...I hope to try again in a few weeks and this time with just one or two needles and see how it goes. I still feel rather uneven and off-kilter -- I guess that it my unbalanced Qi. It figures: even my Qi is wacked out!

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