Sunday, October 08, 2006

A full weekend, quite the novel concept these days

This weekend is the first in a month that I have not lost an entire day to a migraine. Believe me, I've been making the most of it and have accomplished quite a lot on my multitudes of to-do lists; however, at the same time I feel like I must be somewhat cautious. Despite the fact that I regularly see my doctor and have heavy-hitters like Imitrex and Fioronol handy, despite the pain management sessions I've completed and the biofeedback work, in many ways I am a prisoner of my damn head. I may be on good behavior but who knows what awaits? For these reasons I decided to start this blog--to connect with others, to find new methods of management, to just not feel so guilty every time I have to cancel plans and stay in bed with an ice pack.

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