Sunday, October 08, 2006

New York Times article thoughts

I've been thinking a lot lately about the above article from the New York Times on August 8, 2006, which preposes that sinus headaches are actually migraines. See article link here.

A good number of my headaches begin with a sharp pain in my sinuses directly behind my left eyebrow. Does this happen to anyone else? I wonder if all those years in school when I was diagnosed with sinus infections and headaches if they were really migraines.

1 comment:

Bourgeois Deviant said...

Funny I should read this post today! My allergies have been bothering me and it's all directed at my sinuses. I can tell I'm having sinus issues when my teeth become very sensitive AND I get a sharp, stabbing pain behind my RIGHT EYE BROW!!!! The "sinus headaches" can get pretty severe and I get dizzy and nauseous. Maybe you are right. Maybe there is a link or it's a migraine in disguise? -T